A NEW BEGINNING - 24" x 30" x 1.5"
What an exciting weekend!
A NEW BEGINNING was accepted into the 2011 State of the Art/Art of the State exhibit at Cameron Art Museum in Wilmington, NC. The opening reception on Saturday evening, May 7th, was overflowing with curators, artists and art enthusiasts. An estimated 800 to 1000 attendees filled the CAM enjoying music, wine and artwork by 600+ North Carolina artists.
The exhibition was curated by four internationally renowned curators:
—Timothy Anglin Burgard, Curator-in-Charge, American Art, Fine Art Museum of San Francisco
—Nicholas Cullinan Curator, Tate Modern, London
—Susan Davidson, Senior Curator, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York
—Apsara Diquinzio, Assistant Curator, SFMoMA (San Francisco Museum of Modern Art