"FOCUS" Wins Award

Friday (2/28/14), John and I made a quick day trip to Southport, NC, to deliver two paintings—Focus and Peaceful Waters—to the Franklin Square Gallery for the Spring Art Show sponsored by Associated Artists of Southport  Delivery went very smooth and there was a lot of fantastic artwork being delivered. By the way, Franklin Square Gallery is a great gallery and definitely worth visiting if you are ever in the Southport area.

It was a beautiful sunny day, although a bit windy and chilly but still a good day for a trip. Getting in the car and taking day trips has always been a favorite pastime of ours. An added perk to the trip was that we got to visit with my sister who lives on Oak Island. It was a nice day.

On Sunday, Associated Artists of Southport called to say that show judge Kate Worm had awarded Focus with an Honorable Mention Award. I am humbled and thrilled that it has been recognized and awarded. This is my first award!

FOCUS, 24x36