The coral glow of morning spreads across the horizon
casting its reflection on the frozen pond.
A lone coyote races across the open field disappearing into a stand of trees
where it spends the day undetected by human eye.
The blanket of silence is broken by the awakening of nature.
Crusty, ice covered snow crunches beneath the feet of passing deer.
Geese honk, calling to one another as they fly overhead
while tiny snowbirds flit along the ground searching for their morning meal.
The sun breaks the horizon.
Its brilliance illuminates the neighboring hillside
casting distinct shadows in an abstract pattern.
Beauty! Pure beauty . . . abounds on every side.
A new day has arrived
Bringing with it fresh hope and new expectations.
Journey's Dream - 22" x 28" Acrylic Mixed Media on Canvas
*The poem, A NEW DAY, was published in: LOVE, LIFE AND PEACE - POETRY, PICTURES and MUSINGS by Thomas and Arrington, pg. 28, 2012. The painting, JOURNEY'S DREAM was also published along with the poem,