We often fail to realize how much power words carry. Social media has the potential to reach unstable, angry minds. We never know when one post might trigger someone’s anger, causing them to harm another individual.
It’s true we have the freedom to our opinion. We also have a responsibility to be aware of the result and consequences that opinion may cause. So, let's consider . . .
Why feed anger? … Anger harms
Why slander? … Slander destroys
Why stir up hate? … Hate divides
Why plant hate that destroys?
Why not plant love and kindness that heals?
The heart is a garden
Seeds planted grow and produce fruit
Then there’s a harvest
Consider what you plant
Social media posts
Reveal the heart
Expose who we are
So, be careful what you plant
You may not like the harvest
Think and ask yourself before posting…
Does this stir up hatred?
Could it cause hurt?
Possible result in harm?
If any answer is “yes”, pause… stop.
Stop the hate
Plant love and kindness
© June 2017 Susan J. Harris